
Half a Head is OUT NOW! You can order on Amazon by clicking here.
If you’d like to know a bit more about me, my childhood, experiences and reasons for why I am the person I am today, then please read on…
Where it all began…
I’m 35 years old and grew up in a little town called Droitwich Spa. This hidden gem of a town is located in the Midlands, England on the River Salwarp. If any of you have ever visited Droitwich, you won’t need me telling you just how special it is. It’s situated on enormous deposits of salt, which are TEN times stronger than sea water – I know right…pretty incredible, given that I am a big ‘salt can heal everything’ goer these days!
Droitwich was really where my journey started. This place has grown me, with my beautiful family and some of my oldest and dearest friends colouring the place with character. Although, naturally people move on, like myself. But the memories and the people have shaped me.
Every person, every experience every memory good or bad are all part of the words in my book. I can wholeheartedly look back and say to myself ‘AHHHHH… I get it now, that’s why that had to happen to me in order to become the person I am today’.
I now live in Edinburgh, Scotland. After 9 years here, I feel contented in calling it my home. I moved up to escape a few demons and to find myself. Isn’t that what we all want to do!? I knew I wouldn’t find the real me staying put and always knew I would find adventure somewhere new!
After completing University and a lot of job knock backs, I managed to bag my dream job at the Royal Institute for the Blind at The Eye Pavilion in Edinburgh! I completely 100% without doubt manifested this job. It changed my mind set and gave me an incredible insight into the lives of partially sighted and blind people – and what inspiring lives they lead.
My career…
I decided to work in sensory loss as I have never had a stronger intuitive calling for it. I had hit rock bottom (and I mean right at the very bottom). BUT when your face is planted firmly on the ground, the only place you can go is up, and up my friends is where it’s all going on! The calling to become a Rehabilitation worker came from my intuition that I had something more to give. A way of helping others, which is all I’ve ever wanted to do.
My book…
From personal experience (which of course will be the main body of my book), I know how it feels to lose part of yourself, whether it’s your sight, hearing, a limb or the big one for me… part of the brain. They are all massive parts of our identity, which for some just like magic, vanish overnight leaving you questioning who you are.
I hope my book Half a Head will bring some of you hope in what may feel like a dark time in your life. Perhaps you are coping with loss, depression, self-hate and feeling hopeless. Half a Head will give you a few laughs, a few tears and some coping strategies along the way. My message is that no matter what, it WILL all work out for the very highest of your good AND YOU MUST remain positive. For now sit back and let life unfold because it WILL be ok in the end – trust me, I know!